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Brethren and Sisters, in the year 1997 AD, when I was a young man, 15 years of age and in my Sophomore year in High School, and residing in Kisumu City, Kenya, East Africa, I actually died one night in my sleep, and came back to life in the very same night that I had died!

In as much as I had died and came back to my body on the very same night that this happened, I did not even know that I had actually died and had an Out-of-Body Experience (OBE) until I shared my experience much later with someone else outside my family who understood what actually happened and was not a stranger to these kinds of real-life stories of people’s true and unique encounters with supernature be it through cult or occult power.

My mother was a deeply spiritual Christian woman and she was the very first one that I shared with this experience, and looking back into the times, it is my testimony that she intentionally concealed from me a great deal of the meaning and purpose of this experience in my life as it was her desire that I complete my formal education first before using the spiritual gifts that I was given by Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself and by the Power of The Holy Spirit.

This Out-of-Body Experience (OBE), changed my life for ever even unto this day as it was by far, the most pronounced beginnings of my acquisiton of the gift of The Holy Spirit of Prophecy, Casting out of demons, healing, reading of heavenly languange and even writing in the same heavenly language, Psychic reading or Prophecy through The Holy Bible amongst others.

To me, I thought that it was just a phenomenal dream that set me on the path of receiving a torrent of visions from heaven, one after another on many things, people and events in the past, present and future, with the main aim of teaching me, providing warnings, direction and even giving specific life-saving instructions or counsel to they that Jesus Christ of Nazareth sent me to deliver the information to, or brought them to me for this kind of assistance as they already knew that I had the gift of Prophecy by The Power of The Holy Spirit and they couldn’t deny it at all.

On that material night, I had completed my evening school homework and private school studies as was usual with me almost every night.  I liked to study at night because of the peace and quiet in the house during those hours and in as much as I did not look at the time in which I retired to my bed, The Holy Spirit is telling me that it was at nine o’clock sharp as He was the one who took me to sleep for this one-of-a-kind spiritual experience and the very first one in my life.

I did not know how long I had fallen asleep before I so myself outside my body, floating in the air in the middle of the room and literally looking at my body sleeping in the bed. For some reason, The Holy Spirit later told me that it was in the first four and and a half minute that my spirit left my body for me to experience this Out-of-Body experience; And, that on that material day, it was determined for me to die by the power of serious witchcraft (occult power), from a group of people who were not happy at all with my attaining of a formal education or success in school or academia in general.

While I so myself literally floating in mid-air in the bedroom that I was sleeping in, and my body was laying on the bed, I was seriously astounded as I had never seen or ever thought of such a thing in real life.

In fact, I had never even heard of anything about Out-of-Body (OBE) experiences or even heard such a phrase in my life or come accross such an acronym or abbrevation at all.

To make it even much more strange, being an A plain student in formal education especially in the sciences, this was a real mystery to me, and not anything different in phenomenon or nature from what the Apostle Paul experienced in his famous journey on the road to Damascus as we read in the book of Acts of the Apostles in Chapter 9 in The Holy Bible.

Unlike the Apostle Paul who had his Road-to-Damascus experience as a persecutor of the church, I was just a young man who had a very strong adherence of the Christian faith, and I had read and enjoyed to read The Holy Bible over and over again since I learnt to read in my early childhood education in lower primary grade school.

As I looked around the room from my position in the middle of the air, I glanced at the door and so that it was closed and before I could think of anything else, I found myself back again in my body without knowing how it had happened.

I remember that I was sleeping with my face and belly facing the matress and as soon as I decided to turn around so that I can sit up on the bed, I suddenly felt a very powerful presence in the room that I cannot sincerely descibe fully in words, but I can only attempt to explain.

The presence was a power beyond which I had ever experienced before and I did not have enough strength to move my body or even lift up my hands or my shoulders or chest, and as I struggled to move around, I head a voice such as I had never heard before.

I knew that I was not paralized or disabled anywhere in my body, however, I could not move around or even get up from the bed. I was sleeping face down on the bed and I suddenly heard the voice of a man of whom despite the fact that I had not seen Him ever before in my mortal life, I could not deny the fact that He was Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself, the same way as The Prophet Isaiah could not deny the fact that He had seen God and knew that it was Him and not any other competing entity spurring itself in the ring when his eyes were opened to see the True God Almighty as we read in Isaiah 6:5 in The Holy Bible.

Brethren and Sisters, it is my testimony that having such an apparition or apparitions can be very terrifying indeed especially when one is still living in sin;  And, what is more important to note or learn from it, is to get rid of sin as fast as is possible in your life because, it is the guilt of sin that causes the terror and not God Himself; As it is written in The Holy Bible that nothing unclean can dwell in the presence of God as we read in Revelations 21:27.

Like many other revelations that I have received from Him, Jesus Christ of Nazareth revealed to me that He had loved and revealed to the The Prophet Isaiah many mysteries of His Kingdom long before He opened his eyes to see Him, and that I should write to the nations of the world, that there are many of His servants who He communicates with, fear Him, glorify Him and do His work every single day by yielding to the enticings of The Holy Spirit in them, and following the counsel of The Prophets, Seers and Revelators who are privy to these sacred and holy apparitions.

When I suddenly realised that it was Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself, who was beside me, He spoke to me in my native Luo language and I will translate the message in English since it is the language in which I am writing this testimony in.

In this one-of-a-kind apparition, Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself told me in person, that He was the one who came to save me; And, He spoke in a stammering fashion, and with a voice that I had not heard before but later on when I heard that voice, it was no doubt to me that He was The famous Baba Messiah Simeo Melkio Ondeto who is the Founder of The Legio Maria, which is also known as The Legio Maria of Africa Church Mission, regarded or known to many as a new religious movement among the Luo people of Western Kenya, emerging as an extention of an interpretation of the Three Secrets of Fatima to a relatively new African context.

Brethren and Sisters, unless one has a true and sincere walk with Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself as their own personal savior and redeemer, even His appearance to His followers in the famous walk to Emmaus as we read in the Holy Bible is also going to be strange in as much as these events were prophesized of Him by many prophets in The Holy Bible including The Prophet Isaiah of whom Jesus Christ reminds his disciples to read from in order to understand that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead and was no longer in the tomb as was prophesized and written in the days of old.

In this famous walk to Emmaus as we read in Luke 24:13-35, it is important to note that upon the two men walking to Emmaus orating to Jesus Christ (Who is still a stranger to them at that point), of the disappearence of the body of Jesus Christ from the tomb or its burial place, Jesus Christ of Nazareth responds to them by addressing them as fools (Luke 24:25).  But why? And what can I learn from it as an individual of whom salvation in Jesus Christ of Nazareth has an honest, true and sincere meaning in my life?

In fact, in one translation of The Holy Bible of the message contained in Luke 24:25 it is written, “Then Jesus said to them, “You foolish people!  You find it so hard to believe all that the prophets wrote in the Scriptures?”.

Brethren and sisters, it is also my testimony that in the same Book of Isaiah 18:1-7, is foretold the coming of Jesus Christ of Nazareth again in the body of a black man prior to the end times or the final chapter of the existence of the world to be manifested as prophesized in the days of old, or even as was ordained and predetermined by the Author and Finisher of our lives (Jesus Christ of Nazareth), before the foundations of this earth were laid.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth also told me that there are other parts in The Holy Bible where this revelation is given, and many who try to find it, do not really find it because the word of God has not that much meaning in their lives even as the Apostle Paul wrote unto the Romans in Romans 12;  And, of particular importance to the the message contained in Romans 12:2 where it is written, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (King James Version).

In another revelation given unto me much later (And this was not the only one), He, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, showed me that vision again when He appeared to me when I was 15 years old;  But this time, He had given me the ability to exhorcise evil spirits; And this time round, I so the demon that was sent to kill me, and how the demon took upon the form of a black snake seating on the table in which I did my studies or completed my school homework waiting for the opportune time to strike when I was unawares in my sleep.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself told me that had it not been for my strong testimony in Him, I would have died and never to return to His presence again.

That in order to satisfy the demand of the witches or occultists who engineered my death, I had to die; However, in order to satisfy the demand of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself as my Lord and Savior, it was His choice, priviledge and prerogative, and not the choice of the devil to place me wherever He wanted in the Spirit world; And, because of His promise to His disciples who fear Him, Jesus Christ of Nazareth decided within that very hour, not only to resurrect me, but to also reveal unto me that He had chosen me as His own Apostle, and conferred unto me the gifts of The Holy Spirit that come with it of which Prophecy, Preaching, Teaching, Healing and Exhorcising of evil spirits are some of them.

In another vision that followed when I was still a sophomore in high school (Kisumu Boys High School in Kisumu, KENYA), I got a vision from The Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ of Nazareth; And, in that vision, she happened to be in a meeting in a round house, with The First Apostles chosen by Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself during His first mission in the present-day Middle East;  And the joy that filled my heart especially when I saw The Apostle Peter whom I had only been reading of in The Holy Bible, was so immense and inexplicable by the use of words alone.

Brethren and sisters, it was in this vision that The Blessed Virgin Mary gave me from her right hand, very many rosaries each of different colours, many rosaries that I could not count from the top of my head, and as I held them or secured them in my right hand, the vision ended.

Even though my mother was a Catholic married in a protestant Christian family, I was not born a Catholic and I sincerely had reservations about statues of saints in churches, and the worship of God through The Virgin Mary, but after this revelation which I cannot deny is true, I started to use The Holy Rosary as my main method of prayer, and it is my testimony today, that whoever says or still thinks in his or her heart that The Holy Rosary is not ordained of The Holy trinity as a pure and valid form of prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, still has a lot to learn about the plan of salvation as is ordained by God Almighty Himself, through His Most Holy Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and by The Power of The Holy Spirit of God.

In as much as I knew of The Holy Rosary and was given to me to pray with, there were times that I relaxed in my prayer and sincerely speaking, it was because I was still relatively young and still going through my puberty years.

While I was a Junior in High School, I also received another vision form Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself; And in that vision, He told me that I would be like a “Jonah in The Holy Bible” in so far as part of my prayer life is concerned, and this I testify has come true and pas passed in my life.

I share this vision to warn all those who are saved in our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that in the plan of salvation, there is also the harsh reality of backsliding, and if you are backsliding, try quickly to come back to the covenant path, as the results or repurcussions of backsliding could be very dire or even uniquely painful to endure.

It is also my testimony that The Holy Rosary and The Holy Catena (Katena) as is also used in the Catholic Church are very power tools or systems of prayer given unto mankind for successful spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness in one’s life, in the whole world, and in the entire universe.

Brethren and sisters, it is also my solemn, true and sincere testimony that, The Holy Catena (Katena) of Legio Maria African Church Mission (ACM), founded by Baba Messiah Simeo Melkio Ondeto and Mama Maria Matakatifu, is indeed Solomonic wisdom in its true, pure, condensed, distilled, undiluted, incorruptible and pristine form, whose potency and healing or medicinal power, is way beyond what can be written or recorded or shared by word of mouth by they who have experienced its DIVINE power as well as secured help from God Almighty through its use.

In other visions that followed, He, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, also miraculously opened my spiritual eyes, brain and understanding, and gave me sacred intuitive understanding of The Holy Bible from which He taught me how to Prophesy, to know and reveal the past, present and future of anything and everything that I desire to know or understand whether I am inquiring or looking for a prophecy for myself or whosoever He leads to me to seek my guidance, assitance, counsel or help in such matters and more.

Some people or children of God especially who have benefited from this gift of The Holy Spirit of God in me, commonly call it or refer to it as Psychic reading through The Holy Bible.

Brethren and Sisters, it was on the 14th of February, 2021 AD, before midday, when in the middle of my morning prayers while kneeling down infront of my altar in my room, The voice of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself halted my prayers as I heard His voice live over my altar, and this time round He was speaking with me directly in my native Luo languange and through His voice as Baba Messiah Simeo Melkio Ondeto.

In this conversation, He revealed unto me many sacred and spiritual things that were hidden, and gave me quite a number of instructions and warnings for my own benefit especially in spiritual warfare or prayer life as well as my own personal instructions with my fellow men; And, what to do to live peaceful with them despite the cruelty of some of them to me.

Apart from removing me permanetly from the church that I was currently attending, and protecting me from the wrath of negative or evil spirits, He, (Jesus Christ of Nazareth), also gave me a new church of my own of which He personaly named or called ADONIJAH; And, as of today, St. Francis of Assisi Ministries is one of the ministries in this church dedicated to be of service to Our Lord and Savior in His vineyard as He directs us by the power of His Holy Spirit. Amen.

Encased in this website is my story…


To ignite the Fire of The Holy Spirit of God and keep it ablaze and burning in the lives of all children of God in the entire brotherhood of humanity, with the main aim of attracting as well as maintaining the true happiness, peace and joy in the hearts of all who have desired in The Lord that they may also have the desires of their heart manifest in their lives and the lives of the loved ones.

We also believe in the message and truths contained and declared in The Apostles Creed as was written, established and used in the very first church established by Jesus Christ of Nazareth and headed by The Apostle Peter as was ordained and directed by Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself.

We also believe, teach and testify of the truths contained in The Beatitudes taught by Jesus Christ of Nazareth in the famous Sermon on The Mountain as is written in the book of Mathew Chapter 5 in The Holy Bible; And in Mathew 5:1-16 (King James Version) it is written that, “1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: 2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

We also believe, teach and testify of the truths contained in the book of Hebrews 13:8 in The Holy Bible where it is written that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Amen.