Psychic Reading Through The Holy Bible
In this testimony, I Daniel Omondi Adongo, would like to share with you how the teachings and stories found in The Holy Bible, have not only shaped or moulded my life, but have also saved me from numerous near-death experiences and even brought me back to life when I was once dead.

Oh yes! I once died and had an out-of-body experience that I can never forget; And it was Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself who brought me back to my body, and apart from opening my eyes to experience the majesty and power of His presence, He also talked to me, revealed and confirmed to me that He was the same Baba Messiah Simeo Melkio Ondeto of the Legio Maria Africa Church Mission (ACM), who came to save me.
This was in the year 1997, and I was a sophomore in High School in Kisumu, Kenya. According to the Kenyan education system, second year in high school is also referred to as Form 2; And, at the Kisumu Boys High School (KBHS), where I was studying, I had been given a leadership position by the teaching staff in the school as an Assistant Prefect in charge of the school library.
Many years have gone by, but most of my peers and schoolmates would remember me as a school prefect right from Form 1 or first year in high school, and even later on as one of the Head students in my senior or final year over there.
If my mother was alive, she could attest to this fact as she was the first person that I informed of this experience; And, she was the first adult who witnessed me speaking in tongues by the power of the Holy Spirit one evening when she returned back home late, to find us already praying together as a family before going to bed as she had taught us and encouraged us to do so every day even without her presence.
The Holy Spirit counsels me to detail here just enough to inspire all who so desire in their lives and the lives of their loved ones, TRUE PEACE THAT SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING from Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and to always remember Him, to be obedient to His Commandments, that they may always have His Spirit to be with them.
In here, I give a testimony as to how Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself gave me the gift of prophecy in which He taught me how to use The Holy Bible to prophesy simply by opening it and reading from it the past, present and future of every detail that one needed to be prophesied about with striking accuracy, and detail that would leave one wondering whether Jesus Christ Himself is really present at that time during the prophecy, or at that time when He has opened my eyes to see what I am seeing about a person or a situation.
Yes, during the process in which this unique gift was given to me, I so a series of visions that even bewildered me. In some visions I so a big black covered Holy Bible with white pages inside the wall of a Legio Maria church in Kenya; And, at that corner where it was, the bible opened by itself, and inside it were white pages written in black writing.
The Holy Bible was opened and there was a page that was being shown to me. The page was held with a black cloth page marker that comes tailored into the book. At this time the Bible was now out of the wall and was levitating from that corner but I was seeing it held by large hands; and I COULD TELL THAT THEY WERE THE HANDS OF BABA MESSIAH SIMEO MELKIO ONDETO who had previously revealed Himself to me so many times as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and even raised me from the dead when I was once dead.
I was seeing this vision, when I was here in Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America (USA), yet I was seeing this happening from a Legio Maria Church in Kenya. He held the Holy Bible in His hand for a while and appeared to be reading from it. Then He brought it to me to see what He was reading.
At that point, the page He was reading had turned white without any prints, and as I looked closer to see, I so the book coming straight into my right eye through my glasses and disappearing into my eye. I was surprised that the whole book was entering into my eye without any pain.
I saw Baba Messiah Simeo Melkio Ondeto completing to put the Bible all the way into my brain through my right eye. At this time I could see His right hand on top of my head while His left hand was completing to insert the whole Bible into my right eye.
It was like a surgical operation that was painless yet very delicate as the right hand that He had on top of my head, was also digging deep into my brain and He appeared to be adjusting something or a few things in there.
Baba Messiah Simeo Melkio Ondeto started speaking to me in Luo (My native language) while He was in the process of completing this task or operation and even after He was done. Before He left, He looked at me and ensured that my head was back in its original form just like a surgeon would do after completing a surgery. He was dressed in a black robe.
Amongt the things he said to me were this, “Mae en kitapa mane apando kae. Ero koro amiyi godo mondo in bende isome kaka isegombo mondo ing’eye kamano. Mamawa omor kodi kabisa kendo onyisa ni amosi. Wan kodi seche duto. An ema ne akeli Amerika kae. Kik iluor. Kik iluor kata matin. Ket wachnie mondo okere e piny mangima. Nyisgi ni an e Yesu Kristo ma Nazareth. Kendo bura moro amora maneging’adna to gindik piny ni abiro loyogi; Kendo aseloyogi already. Koro asemokoni taya. Nen.”
I will translate in English and here is the translation: Baba Messiah Simeo Melkio Ondeto told me, “This is my book that I hid over here. Now I have given it to you so that you can also read it as you have desired in your heart to understand it yourself. My mother is very happy with you, and she has told me to greet you on her behalf. We are with you all the time. I am the one who brought you here to the United States of America (USA). Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid even a bit. Let this experience be known all over the world. Tell them that I am the Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Also tell that any case that they bring against me, or any charges that they level against me, they should write down that I will defeat them; And behold, I have defeated them already. Now I have switched on the light for you. See.”
In a previous vision, He had make The Holy Bible turn into a telescope for me, and then He gave me the telescope to use anytime I liked or chose to use it. And there are other visions where I so The Holy Bible stuck in the middle of the wall of a Legio Maria Church in Kenya; And when I so it, The Bible started to move out of the wall from that church and it levitated through the air from Kenya to where I was here in Atlanta, and it entered into my right eye and disappeared into my brain.
In another vision also, I so myself in an office that Baba Messiah Simeo Melkio Ondeto had given me to be of service to His children, and while seating in the office facing the open door, I so The Holy Bible come unto me through the door levitating in the air. Before reaching me, The Holy Bible turned into a telescope in front of my right eye as all its pages disappeared into the cover of the bible.
Now, the cover of The Holy Bible was black, but as I was curious of seeing what was written in the inside part of the cover, I so the inside part of the cover turn into a map and then a series of maps with different color schemes that were very tempting for the eye to look at or gaze at with great pleasure.
As I started to gaze into the maps, the hollow part of the telescope came very close to my eye; and now, The Holy Bible had turned into one big lens, through which I could see whatever The Lord wanted me to see through it.
In another vision of The Holy Bible, I saw the bible on my prayer alter opened yet I was not at the altar at that time as I was just laying on my bed and watching. The bible on my altar has a white cover and as I watched i closely, I so the pages on the right hand side turn into a geometric set that is similar to what I used to use long time in primary or grade school when we started to learn about geometric angles, squares and drawing them.
The geometric set opened itself and even though there was some darkness in it, I so the insides of it enough to see a compass and a protractor and a square. I so this vision several times and over several days and even weeks but every time I so it, the instruments in the geometric set were doing something different as is normal for one who is using these instruments to solve the problems that they are designed to solve.
There was a point when I started seeing the pages of the same bible turn into different kinds of geometric sets some of which were more advanced than others. There are times when I so the pages of the bible opened turn into a chart that was being drawn upon as an architect or a droughts-man would draw.
There are times when the compass point levitated from the bible and came towards my right eye and stuck there as if to teach me something and as I wondered what it is that I was to learn, I so that it was Baba Messiah Simeo Melkio Ondeto Himself holding that compass point skillfully in front of my right eye and as soon as I so his right hand, I heard Him telling me this time in English, to draw.
It was there and then, that I started seeing a door in the office that I was given to work in that was once closed for a long time, now opened and the vision ended when I was now seeing what was hidden from me previously or before.
In another vision of The Holy Bible, I so the bible opened in the middle of my prayer altar and it was suspended in the air. Previously I had left it opened and placed it on the altar but this time it was levitating on top of a place where I often lit a candle.
As I looked inside it from my bed, I could see that on the right hand side of the top page of the bible, was a letter written in angelic language but with red ink on a piece of notepad paper. Upon looking at it, I realized that it was a new writing of Angelic language that I had not seen before and the vision ended.
During that day, I had wondered what new angelic language this was, as Baba Messiah Simeo Melkio Ondeto had taught me others and this one was a new one. On the following day in the wee hours of the morning, I got this vision again and this time around, Baba Messiah Simeo Melkio Ondeto revealed unto me that this was His personal handwriting that He had also taught His first Pope, Timotheo Atila of The Legio Maria African Church Mission (ACM) to read and understand; And what He was doing was increased my understanding to do the same.
In another vision of The Holy Bible, I also so the bible open in front of me, and the top page of the right hand side part of the bible, turned into a colored picture of Jesus Christ of Nazareth as a white young man with long hair and a well-kept long beard putting on a while robe, and as I was looking at the picture, I so that He had just opened a curtain for more light to enter into the bible for me to see clearly; And it was like I was watching an interactive movie or video.
Also in another vision of The Holy Bible…. (…to be continued…)
The rest I will detail later on in here and even some more in a “Stand-Alone Book” that I am just about to release. This is because the contents will be rather bulky for a website or for other individuals who may not be seeking specific needs for their own spiritual growth or ascension.
It would be erroneous to assume that all who get on this website and get to read its contents, are focused on being a true follower of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
In this testimony, it is my hope and desire that one will find out, that in The Holy Bible, there are answers to all the questions that one may have or ever think of about anything and everything be it for a group of people, or just the individual himself or herself.
It is also my testimony that God Himself, talks to all mankind individually through the Bible, and if they seek Him with a true sincerity of heart, they will get specific solutions to their challenges irrespective of their difficulty or level of severity. This truth is much more apparent when one envisions The Holy Bible not just as the written word of God, but also as the voice of God in written form. Because the truth of the matter is that, The Holy Bible is the voice of God, and it is a talking book.
It is also my testimony, that by the power of The Holy Spirit, one can get to know all that there is to know and understand in this life and in fact, it is written in the Holy Bible, that The Holy Spirit is the one that leads one into all understanding if one so desires.
In fact, in John 16:13, Jesus Christ Himself made it clear unto His Disciples that, “Howbeit when He The Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: For He shall not speak of Himself; But whatsover He shall hear, that shall He speak: And He will shew you things to come.” (King James Version).
On the basis of my testimony of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and The Holy Trinity or The God-Head Himself, I would like to point out one thing that has led many intelligent children of God astray from the coveted path back to Heaven where they once were. If one would live a righteous life and be inspired by the counsel of The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 14, to desire the spiritual gifts of The Holy Spirit; and actually come to a full understanding of things, they may be tempted to mock God as Lucifer did when he was once in heaven.
Many who have followed or trodden along this wide path, have come to find out the hard and painful way that just because they know all things, it does not necessarily mean that that is all there is to know, or that that is all that exists. Another way to put is is that, there are existences that exist, yet they cannot be defined as things or they cannot be defined at all because they defy definition.
I know and I can tell right now, that this reasoning might be strange for some people to understand or comprehend; However, if one does not take time to understand this concept, then they will struggle in their lifetime to accept necessary opposition or contradictions in life.